2008. 10. 21. 08:24
* to be determined = to be hell-bent on (doing) something
* to be blissfully happy = to smell to high heaven
* no possibility = not a hope in hell
* without fail = come hell and high water
* to make a fuss = to raise hell
* to make a huge effort = to move heaven earth on
* to stink = smell like high heaven
* a beautiful/ wonderful place = heaven on earth
* a lucky arrival = heaven-sent
* for no particular reason except that you want to = for the hell of it
이러면 안까먹을까 ㅎㅎㅎ
마지막 수업 때 배운 것들 뜻 짝짓기 하는 거였는데
정말, 거의 맞춘게 없었다.
헷갈려 @_@
* to be blissfully happy = to smell to high heaven
* no possibility = not a hope in hell
* without fail = come hell and high water
* to make a fuss = to raise hell
* to make a huge effort = to move heaven earth on
* to stink = smell like high heaven
* a beautiful/ wonderful place = heaven on earth
* a lucky arrival = heaven-sent
* for no particular reason except that you want to = for the hell of it
이러면 안까먹을까 ㅎㅎㅎ
마지막 수업 때 배운 것들 뜻 짝짓기 하는 거였는데
정말, 거의 맞춘게 없었다.
헷갈려 @_@